
Birthmark Beauties is a community aimed to bring people together to connect and promote all things beautiful about birthmarks. Whether it's Mongolian spots, Hemangiomas, Port-wine stains, Vitiligo; you name it! All beauty marks, and skin pigmentations should be loved and embraced.

Birthmark Beauties is not in any way against the removal of birthmarks, but strives to show women that they can be beautiful; and in turn, teach society to embrace all those that are unique, or "flawed."

We live in a time where not all individuals are accepted. We talk about teaching people to love themselves, then turn around and promote the complete opposite. We praise people who have completely changed everything about themselves; from lip injections to implants. Not saying any of this is wrong, but why change when you can love your originality instead? 

Let's focus on embracing who we are and what we have.

 Yes, we are different. Yes, we are unique. And YES, we are beautiful.